Our Honey Control Application gives you control

You design it, our app writes the code

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You design the process within a flowchart just like this one in Draw.io. Export it within Draw.io as XML. Import that into our app and the magic begins.

  • Define inputs and outputs within each process
  • Using ChatGPT, you write the prompts to auto generate your code
  • Fully test each process within the app

Without needing extensive coding knowledge, anyone can create complex workflows, chaining scripts together in our workflow engine.

Featured Videos

Honey Control App - Intro

Honey Control App - Intro

The World's first Automated script writing engine using ChatGPT?.

Honey Control App - Deep Dive

Honey Control App - Deep Dive

ChatGPT Auto script writing based on a prompt - A deep dive


Our Honey Control App is available as a NodeJs Application with MySQL. These work on Windows,Linux or Mac. You can self host it to be using within your Enterprise environment.

Take Control

The App can be used locally or within a network. Across teams or by individuals.


All activity is captured within our Database, reports are available to view at any time.

Speed Up Development

With full versioning, you can modify code on the fly and test it within the App.

Looking for backers

We are looking for investors, backers and a CTO.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You need to install NodeJs and MySQL on a Windows, Linux or Mac. These are free tools that you can download from the internet. It can also help to have a text editor like Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text.

    You also need to have an API key from Openai.com, we would advise paying for ChatGPT

  • The key to solving this is to be able to split the process down into to small steps. Create multiple steps within your flowchart and use ChatGPT to write code for each of those steps. We have not yet found any limitation using this approach. The code output limit is currently 2048 characters.

  • It is an application and database that you install, it needs Internet access to reach ChatGPT using your API key. It is not a cloud service, it is a local application that you install on your own computer. You can use it to create code for your own projects, or for your clients. You can also use it to create code for your own commercial products.

    It runs a web services, the default port is 3000 but you can change that. Therefore it can run on your intranet and you can give access to it over that.

  • You can run it on your own computer, or on your own intranet. It is not a cloud service. You can secure it by assigning a Certificate or a simple self-signed certificate.

  • Yes, you can self-host the app within your enterprise environment to use it locally or across teams.

  • No, the app's intuitive workflow designer and ChatGPT feature make it easy for even non-technical users to create complex workflows. It does help though if you have some programming knowledge.

  • Workflows can be created using a drag-and-drop interface within Draw.io. You can define inputs and outputs within each process and chain scripts together in the flowchart. When you import that flowchart into the Honey Control App it splits thr processes out and you can write the code using Prompts.

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